What is a VM/virtual machine?
A virtual machine (VM) is a virtual environment that functions as a virtual computer system with its own CPU, memory, network interface, and storage, created on a physical hardware system (located off- or on-premises). Software called a hypervisor separates the machine’s resources from the hardware and provisions them appropriately so they can be used by the VM. Source: https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/virtualization/what-is-a-virtual-machinePopularHow much can I earn with Cudo Compute?
The revenue will be dependent of how much of your provided hardware is used by Cudo Compute users. Considering the early stages of the product, we do not yet have clear statistics of the average revenue a supplier can expect. Please keep posted for updates.PopularGet started guide
Navigate to the sign in page by clicking this link. If you are on the Cudo Compute website, click the Sign in button in the top right side of the page. You can use your existing GitHub, Google or Microsoft account to log in or you can create a new account To set up a new account, click the create an account option. Once your account is created, you will needSome readersWhy is the region important?
Considering the distances the information needs to travel, it could make more sense to set up a VM(s) closer to the user of said VM(s). E.g. If you want to set up a VM that is to be used by someone in Germany, latency could be minimised by creating a VM located in Germany.Few readersWhat is SSH and why do I need it?
SSH is a security feature designed to allow password-less access to your virtual machines. The Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network. 1 Its most notable applications are remote login and command-line execution. (Source: Wikipedia)Few readersHow can I get support for my problem?
If you require support, use our Support chat feature by clicking the chat bubble in the bottom-right corner of the page. Alternatively, you can submit your support request via the email address support@cudocompute.com. Make sure to check out helpdesk for support with your issues before submitting your request with the team. Your answer might be readily available there.Few readersWhat is administrator password and why do I need it?
When creating a Windows VM, as a security measure, you will have to specify a password that can grant you access to the cloud instance once this is created and running. This password can be used for remote access using e.g. the Windows built-in Remote Desktop Connection. The details you will need for this type of remote connection are: username - usually administrator or admin; password - the password set when configuring the VM; IP address - visible on the VM page as Public IP.Few readersWhere can I check the service status?
You can check the service status on the link below: The dedicated status pageFew readersCan I transfer a VM between projects?
Few readersWhy can't I add my payment method?
Few readersWhat password convention do I need?
If you are setting a root or admin password for your VM, this must follow the below convention: have between 6 and 64 characters have one upper case letter have one lower case letter have one special symbol have one digitFew readersCan I get the 50% discount?
Few readersNetwork Pricing
User requesting Network pricing, example below. Network pricing is available on https://rest.compute.cudo.org/v1/vms/data-centers you need to add the price of an ipv4 address to the price of a router. There is an example hereFew readers