Cudo Compute Helpdesk
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Learn about your profile, personal information and security settings.
I need to change my email address.
Where can I change my password?
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I forgot my username and password.
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How do I change my account details?
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How can I create an account?
Log in with an existing GitHub, Google or Microsoft account. This will connect the Compute platform to your existing account. Create a new account by filling out the form on this page. Make sure to check your Spam inbox as well if you did not receive an email verification email in your inbox. Congratulations! Welcome to the Cudo Compute console.
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How can I delete my account?
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I forgot my password, what can I do?
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How can I delete my default payment method?
If you wish to delete this: add a new payment method, set it as a default, then delete the old entry;
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